Delhi NCR Bodo Sahitya Sabha
Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 10:19
NGO/ Society
Year of Establishment :
302 Tulsi Apartment
Nawada Extension
Pratap Enclave
New Delhi,
Contact Persons:
Dr. Nirala Ramchiary President
Mr. Hemanta Swargiary VP
Mrs. Dharitri Narzary GS
Dr. Alongbar Wary Secy
Mr. Pitamber Brahma Secy
Mrs. Dipamoni Brahma Publicity Secy
Mr. Jogen Basumatary Org Secy
Mr. Atul Basumatary Adviser
Mr. Niranjan Brahma Adviser
Core activities :
Literature, Language, Culture
Description, activities, performance :
Established in the year 2022 in New Delhi working in the filed of Bodo language and literature
Delhi NCR Bodo Sahitya Sabha members viz.
1. Mrs. Kabita Brahma Email: , Vice President Social worker. Worked as a Lecturer in Janata College, Serfanguri, BTAD, Assam. Settled in Delhi, Engages in several Social activities'.
2. Dr. Dharitri Narzary ,General Secretary Dr. Dharitri Narzray Chakravartty has been teaching history to the Graduate and Undergraduate students at Dr B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) since 2011. She is also an Adjunct Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi and General Secretary of the Delhi NCR Boro Thunlai Afad (Delhi NCR Bodo Sahitya Sabha). She received her PhD in Japanese studies and currently has been researching on various aspects of cultural history and community knowledge system pertaining to northeast India
3. Mrs. Dipamoni Brahma Publicity Secretary Email: Did Masters degree from Delhi University and currently associated with several social works.
4. Dr. Pompi Basumatary Email- Executive Member Dr. Pompi Basumatary is an Assistant Professor of English at the Christ University Delhi NCR. She specialises in Translation Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Folk Literature and is an author and a translator.
5. Ms. Dalimi Brahma Executive Member She has received Masters Degree in Human Resources and MA in Public Administration. She is working with one of the renowned International NGO focusing on Climate Change. Outside work she loves travelling and reading.