Sankardeva tithi celebrated in Delhi 2019
Sankardeva tithi celebrated in Delhi 2019
It was indeed an wonderful evening filling the atmosphere with naam , kirtan, bhagawat path etc by so many enthusiast members -our baap & aai hokol more precisely and making the aura pure. Time was obviously too short. It was wonderful to find so many beautiful namoti with naam kirthon & parthona. The nos of participants were around 100 but it was expected more participation. Even two foreign ladies were seen to participate the naam. We are expecting more participants in the coming days to make it as one of the largest events of Delhi/NCR in coming days. The mah prasad, payosh, fruits, sweets, khichiri etc were contributed by several families ( sorry for missing the list) and we expect more contribution in future. The list of our beautiful Namoti is also missed. It would be a great help if someone share it . It was a high tribute to our Sri Sri Sankardev on the occasion of the tithi . The organising committee , AAD is conveying sincere thanks to all participants to make it a highly successful .