Internet readiness of Assamese : a comparison with three languages
Internet readiness of Assamese : a comparison with three languages
Post date:
28/08/2021 - 17:57
The effectiveness of tools and mechanisms available on computers and the internet for a given
human language is an indicator of its internet readiness, a term defined in some detail in this paper. However, for Assamese ‐ an Indic language used by over 15 million people, and one of 22
languages recognized by India’s constitution to “grow rapidly in richness and become effective
means of communicating modern knowledge” ‐ its internet readiness is currently lower than 1
that of other major languages. Lower internet readiness makes it harder for people to use the
language on the internet. It is important to improve this situation to enable people to create, find,
and read Assamese content more easily on the internet ‐ an important priority for the language
today. This paper first defines a framework of required elements to analyze internet readiness of
any human language. These elements are then used to compare and contrast the level of internet
readiness of Assamese with three other languages, identifying areas that need attention for
Assamese. The paper concludes with recommendations on priorities to increase the level of
internet readiness of the language.