Eye and Eyesight

Eye and Eyesight

Dr. Arindom Chakravarty

During the current COVID -19 pandemic, several people have been experiencing a new kind of disease viz. Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Eye Strain due to the sudden change of their lifestyle. These are related to Eyes and Eye-sights. These disease are not easy to avoid because of our over dependence on the use of the digital display screens of desktop, laptop and smart phones which have already become indispensable to our daily life. The Online- Education of school going children, Work from Home , Online order etc require use of display screen. Due to over utilization of these screens, it is causing irritation in our eyes. As it causes dryness of cornea. Due to continuous glaring in these display screen, the cornea starts dehydrating. If we follow the rule of 20-20-20 through diverting our views every after 20 minutes to 20 ft far away for 20 seconds, then some relief could be gained . It helps our eyes to overcome strain and get rest. The lubricants Eye Drops can also be used for the same purposes. It helps those who use display screen heavily. Moreover, there should be atleast one foot distance of mobile display screen from eyes to reduce pressure on eyes. Nowadays there is another serious issue popping up ‘Blue Wavelength Light’ These digital display screens emit significant amounts of blue light which may increase the risk of macular degeneration. The fact that blue light penetrates all the way to the retina (the inner lining of the back of the eye) and studies have shown that too much exposure to blue light can damage light- sensitive cells in the retina. Plenty spectacle are seen to be available in the markets to protect ‘Blue wavelength Light’, but these are yet to be scientifically proven. So it is more prudent to follow proper use of display screen than to utilize these spectacles. As Blue light can disrupt sleep, all electronic equipment should be closed atleast one hour before going to sleep. The effective way to overcome these diseases are to do regular exercise , yoga, cycling and walking. Special care should be taken by persons with hypertensions and diabetics. Eye retina has more possibility to affect if regular exercise is not done. The loss of eyesight due to Diabetic Retinopathy is widespread in the world. That’s why physical exercise is must for eye care. In addition, the COVID -19 may be infected through eyes. That’s the reason, eyes should not be touched by hand to prevent transmission of the virus. Zero power spectacle may be used to prevent virus contamination. This has been found that those who are wearing spectacle are less likely to be affected by COVID-19.

Eye and Eyesight ,Assam Association Delhi ,
Eye and Eyesight ,Assam Association Delhi ,
Eye and Eyesight ,Assam Association Delhi ,