Annual General Body Meeting of AAD to be held on 23rd January 2021
Annual General Body Meeting of AAD to be held on 23rd January 2021
The Annual General Body meeting of Assam Association Delhi will be held at 3:30 PM 23rd January 2021 at Srimanta Sankardev Bhawan, New Delhi . Due to restriction imposed by Govt of Delhi, it could not be held in the year 2020. If any member desirous to include any draft resolution for consideration in the AGM , he/ she should propose and seconded by a Life Member and email to GS on or before 17th January 2021 through e-mail to . Keeping in view the existing COVID -19 protocol, attendance to be restricted maximum to 50 Life Members including EC members/ Trustees. Remaining members are requested to join through Web-room VC which will be shared shortly.
The agenda of the meeting is viz. Presentation of Activities of the Assam Association Delhi by General Secretary, Audited Account of Assam Association Delhi for FY 2019-2020 by Treasurer, AAD Discussion and adaption of the above two reports of AAD, Presentation of Activities, Audited Account of Assam Association Cultural and Educational Trust for FY 2019-2020 by the Managing Trustee , AACET, Discussion and adaption of the above report, Discussion on current position of SSB, possible remedies including converting SSB into a Hub of activities with increased Financial health through probable changes in operating procedure; Ratification of appointment of Managing Trustee ,Trustees of the Trust and members of any other Subordinate bodies formed later by the General Body, Amendment(s) in By-laws of AAD to bring more clarity in authority of the Executive Committee vis-a-vis Trustee if any , Amendment(s) in By-laws of AAD for entry of New/ Young generations, if any , Discussion on draft Resolution regarding amendment of Bye Laws from Life Members present, if any and adoption of resolution, To discuss any suggestion/comment from members regarding the conduct of the affairs of the Association and the Trust/any Subordinate body etc.
All Life members are requested to make it convenient to participate the meeting.